Friday, August 8, 2008

Stanley in Cleveland

Stanley joined Xan for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. Then they had to get to bed. Tomorrow they're headed out to the 17th Midwest Reggae Fest.


Snazzle said...

Ahhh.. I LURVE the giant Stanley. SO cool. Can't wait to see rasta Stanley tomorrow.. hehe..

Jobove - Reus said...

explendit blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
than your

Irwin Andriyanto said...

Hai, Kami dari team Tangerang digital, ingin share 3 artikel terbaru dari Masirwin Blog - DigitalInovation

- Daftar Harga Hardisk
- Makna Imlek Tahun Ini
- 5 Aksesoris Laptop yang Wajib Dimiliki

Salam digital, Saya Irwin Andriyanto